Have Sword Will Travel,保镖 保鏢...
The Heroic Ones,十三太保...
Killer Clans,流星蝴蝶剑 流星蝴蝶劍...
铁血锦衣卫,Police Pool of Blood,Secret Service Of The Imperial Court,锦衣卫 錦衣衛...
Take Care, Your Majesty,皇帝保重...
Passing Flickers,三十年细说从头 三十年細說從頭...
The Happiest Moment,一乐也 一樂也...
The Dragon Missile,飞龙斩 飛龍斬...
The Bells of Death,夺魂铃 奪魂鈴...
The New One-Armed Swordsman,新独臂刀 新獨臂刀...
笑傲侠义黄大仙,Legend of Wong Tai Sin,义侠传奇,黄大仙 黃大仙...
Revenge of the Corpse,飞尸 飛屍...