万圣夜怪谈(台),万圣节传说 Tales of Halloween...
终极囚禁 The Final2010,终极囚禁 The Final...
恐怖小丑,夺命小丑 The Jester...
失踪者之夜 Night of the Missing2023,失踪者之夜 Night of the Missing...
不可能的侦察,非常特务 The Impossible Spy...
杀戮实境秀(台),玻璃后面的实验,游乐园,娱乐之家 Funhouse...
阿米蒂维尔之月 The Amityville Moon2021,阿米蒂维尔之月 The Amityville Moon...
蛞蝓之灾 Slugs, muerte viscosa1988,蛞蝓之灾 Slugs, muerte viscosa...
死亡仓库2 The Barn Part II2022,死亡仓库2 The Barn Part II...
万圣节群魔 All Hallows Eve Trickster2023,万圣节群魔 All Hallows Eve Trickster...
巫术5:与魔共舞 Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil1993,巫术5:与魔共舞 Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil...
尸控疗法(台),狂犬病 Rabid...
丛林陷阱 Jungle Trap2016,丛林陷阱 Jungle Trap...
Shake, Rattle & Roll 16: Xtreme,Shake, Rattle & Roll XVI,Shake, Rattle & Roll Extreme...