長相屍手(港),至死不渝 Till Death...
美国梦魇 Combat Shock1984,美国梦魇 Combat Shock...
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双源头,惊魂双头溪 Two Heads Creek...
移民保姆 Nanny2022,移民保姆 Nanny...
战栗公寓,杀无舍,无人生还,诡屋惊魂 No One Gets Out Alive...
当代猎巫,当代猎巫行动 Witch Hunt...
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活死人归来5 Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave2005,活死人归来5 Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave...
恐惧之夜:恶梦广播(台),噩梦电台,nightmare radio,恐怖之夜:噩梦电台 A Night of Horror: Nightmare Radio...
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阿加莎 Agatha2022,阿加莎 Agatha...